Rice Bran Wax And Packaging

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A Sustainable Alternative To Synthetic Waxes

Packaging is vital for preserving product quality and extending shelf life. Without good packaging, many of the products we know and love would perish in a short space of time. For many years, synthetic waxes have been used in packaging materials, but their environmental impact and non-biodegradable nature has made many people look for an alternative. Enter, rice bran wax! Here are just some of the benefits you can look forward to:

Renewable And Biodegradable

Rice bran wax is obtained as a by-product of the rice milling process, making it a great product for those who care about sustainability. Unlike synthetic waxes, which typically rely on non-renewable petroleum-based sources, rice bran wax can be obtained from a natural source without needing to add another manufacturing process. Rice bran wax is also biodegradable, so it breaks down naturally over time. This lessens its environmental impact.

Environmental Benefits

Using rice bran wax in packaging materials helps to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, which in turn will aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases. By opting for a sustainable alternative, packaging manufacturers can show that they are actively contributing to environmental conservation and helping to build a greener and more sustainable future.

Great Protective Properties

If you are looking for a packaging alternative, then you need to be sure that the new option ticks all the same boxes in terms of reliability and quality. Rice bran wax has outstanding barrier properties, and can package products from moisture, gases, and oils. Its high melting point aids stability during transportation and storage, maintaining the integrity of the contents.

Versatility And Adaptability

From coating and laminates to films and wraps, rice bran wax can be used in all kinds of packaging. Many of our clients manufacture a wide range of products and are looking for a wax solution that can be incorporated across their entire operations. This adaptability makes it a practical and affordable choice for our customers, as they can source all the wax they need from one supplier and reduce the number of different materials they need to store.

Consumer Appeal

Using rice bran wax in your packaging will allow you to tap into the ever-growing base of customers who are prioritising the environment as they shop. Choosing eco-friendly materials for your packaging can enhance your brand’s reputation, as it shows that you maintain your commitment to the planet at every stage of the manufacturing process. This will give you a competitive edge, setting you apart from other similar products on the shelf.

Promoting The Circular Economy

Finally, using rice bean wax for your packaging can help to promote the idea of a circular economy. What is this? A circular economy is defined as: ‘an economic system based on the reuse and regeneration of materials or products, especially as a means of continuing production in a sustainable or environmentally friendly way.’ Turning a by-product of rice production into a valuable resource will help to reduce waste and optimise your resources.

Get In Touch Today

Rice bran wax serves as a sustainable alternative to synthetic waxes in a wide range of settings. We’re a leading supplier of rice bran wax, so please get in touch today to find out more!

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