Introducing A Kitten To A House Cat

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For many owners of cats it can become readily apparent that the pet wants some company. Introducing another feline, even if it is a kitten can require some preparation, since cats, like many animals, are territorial and will feel threatened by the sudden arrival of a potential competitor. It is always a good idea to be around when the two cats might be in the same area as each other. Gradually introducing them to each other can help them both to understand that the other cat doesn’t pose a threat. It is not a good idea to change how you act towards or feed your current pet. It is a good idea to have separate areas for each feline with the new arrival getting its own new bed, tray, bowl and other accessories. This will help to settle it in and prove to be a sanctuary when the two cats do meet. It will also help to mix the scent of the home together to put the older feline at ease. Stroking both cats without washing hands is a good way to achieve this.

Before letting the cats meet face-to-face, it is a good idea to let them investigate each other’s homes. Again, scent is very important here and will help to allay any fears they have. Eventually, when they do meet, do it where the new arrival can hide in its own private area. This will alleviate stress and heighten the chances the cats will get along!

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