Look around you in any major city in Europe and you’ll see lots of women wearing designer, luxury handbags. But how many of these luxury bags are real and how many are fake? True, from a distance it’s quite hard to tell but look a bit closer and things should become very clear.
One of the things that makes premium, luxury bags exactly that, luxury, is that they are made by recognisable brands. Often, the branding is very much a part of the bag and will be identifiable on logos, attachments etc. Of course this isn’t always the case and these logos can be replicated, so you should try and look even closer.
Obviously, fake bags are not as well made as the real thing. Often, a fake bag is more of an imitation rather than a great bag in itself. You can tell if a bag is well made by looking at various parts of its construction, such as the stitching, which should be even. Material matters too, and leather is easily identifiable, not least by the way it smells.
Finally, you are less likely to buy a knock off bag if you buy from a reputable store or even the manufacturer itself. It might feel like you’re paying a little more, but for that you get peace of mind.
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