Just think about how hard it is to lose those extra pounds you might have put on over specific periods such as birthdays, Christmas or even vacations. Well, for pets it can be even harder to shift that weight, especially since animals are far less likely to be conscious of their expanding middles, and far less worried about the consequences.
As such, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure they shift any extra weight they are carrying, and whilst getting in shape is unlikely to do all that much for their self-esteem, it may do a great deal for their health and even simply how energised they feel and in turn how much they enjoy their everyday lives.
However, it can be as hard to resist giving treats as it can be to resist eating them, and just as we may have momentary lapses in self-control when it comes to keeping our fingers out of the biscuit tin, we are also likely to have lapses of self-control when it comes to offering a cute but overweight kitten or dog a treat or two, especially when they their us with their irresistible, doughy eyes.
Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. Not only will there be treats on the market that are tasty without being bad for animals, but there will also be plenty of nutritionally enriched pet foods that not only help animals to avoid taking in too many calories, but that also speed up metabolism, helping them to actively burn fat.
With just the right pet food and plenty of chance to exercise, it should be easy to help a pet lose any excess weight, without worrying about caving in when they plead for treats.
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